Archiv für den Autor: Daniel

Welcome… and time to say goodbye

It actually starts with a farewell… separate ways from now on for Facebook and me. It’s been fun at times, though I did not become a regular poster over the years. The platform has passed its zenith anyway, having turned into a mostly commercial tool to primarily deliver “personalized” advertisement (oh well, we all know how well that works). Not going to touch further on this topic here. Luckily, there’s other good ways to stay in contact with friends and technically, well-established alternatives exist to share photography or any other content over the web. No need to give it all to the giant “data leech”. See you all somewhere else, sometime (anyhow, most of us are meeting in reality often enough). And for the others: hope to see you on this new WordPress blog page from time to time!

Mach’s gut, weiß-blaue Datenkrake 😉